Tennessee Doulas Association is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate people about doulas and promote the use of doula care to improve pregnancy, birth, and postpartum outcomes.

Tennessee Doulas Association




"The BEST Continuous Support Possible"











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What's a Doula (doo-luh)?

What Are The Types of Doulas?

*A doula may have the training to serve in several of these doula roles.  Doula services may vary from doula to doula. Please talk about what will be covered in your support before hiring a doula. 

Birth Doula

This care typically includes:

  • Focus on prepping the mom and partner for birth
  • 2 prenatal home visits
  • Connection to community resources
  • Birth planning
  • On-call 24/7
  • Labor support while at home and your birth location of choice
  • 1 postpartum home visit to talk about your birth and assist with breastfeeding
  • Price can range from free to $3500

Postpartum Doula

This care typically includes:

  • Focus on mom and baby resting and eating
  • Set number of support hours AFTER baby is born
  • Could be day hours or overnight hours
  • Usually at least 4 hours during the day and at least 8 hours overnight
  • Paid by the hour
  • Client pre-buys a package of hours to use.
  • Price can range from free to $75 an hour

Sibling Doula

This care typically includes:

  • Focus on childcare while mom is in labor at home or hospital
  • 1 home visit for a walk through and meet the family
  • On-call 24/7
  • When mom goes into labor, doula comes and watches the children either at home or in the hospital
  • Price of this service typically ranges from $350 to $1000

Baby Loss Doula

This care typically includes:

  • Focus on helping the family navigate birth and the emotions of death (hello and goodbye)
  • Prenatal home visit
  • Birth planning
  • Labor support
  • Contact and support for a year
  • Postpartum home visits, texts, and calls
  • Connection to community grief resources
  • Price of this service is typically free

Doula Services May Include:

Are Doulas Licensed?

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Get connected with a new doula and use your doula skills & knowledge to nuture her to become a great doula.

Thank you to all of our partners who support doula work!

Want to Connect? Drop us a note.
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Contact us to learn about becoming a doula